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Jumat, 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding this Century

Kalian pasti udah tau kan kalo pangeran William sama Kate Middleton bakal menikah? Berita ini sudah disebar di berbagai negara lho. Dan pernikahan ini katanya menghabiskan dana sebesar 450+ miliar yang berbeda jauh  saat Pangeran Charles dan Putri Diana menikah yang hanya menghabiskan 45 miliar rupiah. Tapi tentu saja angka ini cukup fantastis tetapi bagi kalangan kerajaan mungkin ini hanya hal biasa. Gaun berlapis emas dan berlian, kue pernikahan setinggi manusia, perayaan yang memakan waktu berhari-hari, dan ratusan ribu bunga adalah gambaran kecil dari betapa mahalnya pernikahan seorang pangeran atau putri raja. 

Pernikahan ini bakal diselenggarakan nanti malam lho, tapi kalau waktu di inggris mungkin sekitar jam 2an. Dan katanya ini bakal jadi pernikahan besar abad ini..Waw!!!! Padahal, Inggris belum lepas sepenuhnya dari krisis ekonomi. Tetapi, kerajaan justru menggelar pesta pernikahan yang sangat mewah. Meski keluarga kerajaan memiliki kekayaan hingga miliaran dolar, tetap saja pernikahan itu dianggap banyak pihak sebagai sebuah ironi. Ditambah lagi, Press TV melaporkan, deklarasi pada 29 April sebagai hari libur nasional itu telah merugikan ekonomi Inggris sekitar USD9,6 miliar atau Rp86,4 triliun. Sedangkan Konfederasi Industri Inggris memperkirakan kerugian ekonomi akibat libur itu mencapai USD6,4 miliar atau Rp57,6 triliun.

Mereka harus mengeluarkan biaya senilai USD157.000 untuk hotel, gaun pengantin, dan bulan madu. Gaun yang bakal dipakai Kate memiliki harga sekitar USD47.000 dan pakaian untuk pasangan pria senilai USD31.000.

Bahkan kue dan pizza  pun sampai ada yang dibuat menyerupai pangeran william dan kate middleton

Ckckck..begitu antusias ya rakyat" inggris dalam menyikapi pernikahan ini...

Salah satu dampak Globalisasi, 7eleven

Baiklah post saya kali ini adalah tentang sebuah toko yang mungkin sudah sangat terkenal di jakarta dan khususnya ada di kalangan pelajar. Karena dimana ada sekumpulan pelajar baik itu smp maupun sma, bahkan sd pun telah mengikuti dampak globalisasi ini. Fortunately, di deket sekolah gue ada 7eleven yang bertempat di taman puring ini,  toko asal amerika ini pun menjadi pelanggan pelajar smp 19, 11, 29 dan anak" sd yang berada di sekita itu. Gak tau dari dasar apa, yang membuat toko asal amerika ini laku keras, setiap hari mungkin dapat meraup untung mencapai jutaan rupiah saat hari sekolah.

Toko yang sudah diambil alih oleh jepang ini menjual berbagai macam makanan dan minuman baik itu dingin ataupun panas. Minuman yang terkenal adalah slurpee dan Big Gulp. Kenapa bernama 7eleven, pasti anda bertanya".. 7eleven diambil karena dulunya toko ini buka dari jam 7 pagi hingga 11 malam, yang sekarang kenyataannya toko ini buka dalam 24 jam.

Saya juga salah satu korban dari dampak globalisasi ini, diawali dengan usulan teman yang mengajak siapa yang mau beli slurpee ukuran besar akan mendapatkan hadiah slurpee besar juga. Maka dari itu, kita mendapatkan 2 slurpee big hanya dengan membayar harga 1 slurpee saja, waw siapa yang tak tertarik.

Kedua, sebuah acara bernama 19 cup Carousel yang bertempat di 19 junior high school ini membagikan tiket gratis slurpee bagi yang mengikuti acara tersebut.Bahkan, teman saya yang berulang tahun mentraktir kita dengan Rp10.000 di 7eleven, pilihannya sih bebas, tapi akhirnya gue menjatuhkan hati pada hot chocolate small yang seharga dengan 8.500 rupiah. Mulai dari situlah saya mulai kecanduan oleh nikotinnya 7eleven.Dan benar saja, mungkin saya sudah 10 kali pergi ke toko tersebut dan sudah menghabiskan lebih dari 100 ribu rupiah. Gue udah beli slurpee, Big Gulp, Hot chocolate, crips with cheese (chitato, lays dan semacamnya ditambahin keju), Chicken katsu, Paket meal 2 (Chicken katsu, rice dan mini gulp), dan terakhir paket Big bite dengan mini gulp. Wew inilah dampak yang tidak bisa dihindarkan huhu...

Salah satu korban keganasan ini adalah temen gue, sebut saja namanya raisya, pas tanggal berapa gitu gue lupa, gue dateng jam 6 pas dan saat gue masuk kelas, gue melihat kejadian aneh, mendebarkan dan menggetarkan jiwa hehe.. Si raisya pagi" udah makan big bite ditambah minuman hot chocolate panas yg big...uwoooo dasar korban globalisasi ckckck

My DAMN little sister birthday

26 April 2011, adek gue ulang tahun yang ke 9. Dan hari itu juga adek gue yang biasanya bangun jam setengah 6 buat siap" sekolah karena dia masuk jam 7. Dia bangun jam setengah 5 karena mau foto" buat mendokumentasikan kegiatan bahagia ini. Foto dibawah ini pas lagi di ruang keluarga, dia lagi gendong kucingnya hadiah dari ibu gue hehehe

Ohiya gue sempet foto" sama adek gue sebelum akhirnya gue ninggalin rumah buat mengejar cita" di sekolah ku tercinta SMPN 19 Jakarta bersama ayah gue, kami berangkat ke sekolah menaiki mobil.

Dan ini tumben"an gue akrab sama dia, biasanya sih tiap hari ada aja alasan buat gue marah sama dia, hehe biasa gue cuman mau buat dia lebih baik aja kok :)

Sedikit percakapan gue sebelum gue meninggalkan rumah buat ke sekolah.
Nahda (adek gue): Yah, kok ga hadiahnya ga ada yang mahal sih?
Ayah gue: Kan waktu itu udah dibeliin Nintendo DS, mau apa lagi?
Gue: Hahaha, kasian... Kayak kakak dong dibeliin PSP gara" nilainya lumayan bagus di kelas, jadi pas ulang tahun hadiahnya beda lagi
Adek gue: Emangnya kakak pinter?
Gue pun hening, ceming, kicep tak bisa membalas kata" , ga bisa disangka" adek gue bakal mengeluarkan kata" jahanam seperti itu ke gue dan gue pun berangsur-angsur pergi

Catatan: Jangan pernah sombong ke adek anda sendiri, karena balasan kata" dari adek anda mungkin tak dapat dipikirkan sebelumnya dan akhirnya berakhir seperti saya

Dan ini percakapan gue sama dia sehari setelah dia ulang tahun, tepatnya tanggal 27 April 2011 sekitar jam 7.

Gue: Dek, telfon mama gih, kok jam segini belum pulang?
Adek gue: Masih beliin adek kado lagi kali
Gue: Dih maunya...Kan udah dibeliin pas tanggal 26
Adek gue: Abisnya Ayah pernah bilang kalo adek mau dikasih hadiah satu lagi
Gue: Mama kan masih rapat dek, sotoy aja lo
Adek gue: Ngapain nanya kalo udah tau sih?
Gue: Siapa yang mau nanya mama ada dimana sih? orang cuma suruh adek nanya mama udah pulang atau belum... Dengerin dulu makanya ya adek kecil..
Adek gue: Yaudah sana telfon gih, adek males

Anyway, walaupun begitu, lo tetep adek gue satu"nya dan mungkin kalo ga ada lo rumah bakal sepi ga ada tangisan lo, sifat manja, sifat  menggemaskan lo, dan yang terpenting kita bakal saling bantu membantu dalam segala hal nantinya, jadi mau ga mau ya gue harus bersifat baik ke lo dan sebaliknya.

"Hope this birthday brings you all your earthly desires.You are my favorite slice of the family, a slice that’s sweet, yet naughty and troublesome yet very lovable. Here’s my favorite slice to you on your birthday."

Kamis, 28 April 2011

G.A.L.A.U (soulful) songs

Galau adalah perasaan yang tidak tenang, resah dan gelisah (geli-geli basah) dan bisa membuat seseorang yang terkena syndrome ini lumpuh, stroke ataupun kanker paru", ya gak lah. Pokoknya perasaan ini membuat hidup seseorang tidak biasa dan biasanya nih perasaan galau dikarenakan oleh lawan jenis yang mungkin disukai sang penderita. Yahh saya sebagai manusia biasa pun juga pernah menderita syndrome seperti itu.

So, ini adalah sebagian lagu yang mungkin dapat membantu anda mengatasi perasaan G.A.L.A.U anda, check it out beibeh:

Craig david - Unbelievable:

Good Charlotte - Can't dream without you:

Daniel Bedingfield - If you're not the one:

Maroon5 - She will be Loved

And exactly my favorite song, Bruno Mars - Grenade:

Oh and don't forget, watch this interesting video, sam tsui mix Grenade (bruno mars), Firework (katy perry) and dynamite (taio cruz)

Asal usul nama TROJAN

Tanggal 23 april 2011, gue  menjalani kehidupan sebagaimana layaknya...
Dan pas gue buka MSN , kok si Rifda amira sama Nurfitrianingsih statusnya ada tulisan Trojan 2011, gue tanya deh ke si ripeh (panggilannya rifda)..."peh...kok di status lo sama fitri ada tulisan trojan sih?". Si ripeh ga bales karena ketiduran, ckckck malangnya terus gue tanya deh si fitri lewat twitter, "oy fit, kok di status lo ada tulisan trojan sih? setau gue trojan tuh nama virus yang ngeselin terus sama nama satelit yang bidang edarnya deket sama yupiter".. Setelah gue nunggu lama, fitri pun menjawab. "Lo gatau zar trojan itu apa? trojan tuh Team Rombongan Jane(nama wali kelas gue)".. ckckck anak jaman sekarang perlakuannya ga bisa disangka" ya?, ada" aja sih kerjaannya wkwk.

Dan katanya trojan itu bakal dipake buat nama di almamater kita... Wew mereka udah pada minta izin ke bu jane belum tuh....

Sekilas info: Ternyata trojan idenya diambil lambang hoody anak kelas 9G yang memakai nama ROMUSHA yang berarti Rombongan Masruroh, ckckck perasaan kagak nyambung dah

National Exam is END

Oh yeahh..This is the last day i face with national exam....huahahaha i feel like a freedom lies in plain sight,
But i must struggle for Insan Cendikia Senior High School test...huaahhh pray for me guys..

Back to the topic, lanjutannya pake bahasa indonesia aja ya..hehehe
Karena ini hari terakhir tadinya anak cowok di kelas pada mau main dota lewat software yang bernama Garena, tapi dikarenakan suatu hal, jadi kami membatalkannya.
Anyway, seperti yang gue bilang tadi gue bakal tes di Insan Cendikia serpong, so gue harus belajar bahasa arab juga buat bisa lulus tesnya, kalo tes berkas sih gue, si orang lemah(eki), rusydi sama raisya udah keterima.Selama seminggu nanti gue bakal belajar bahasa arab selama   akhirnya bakal tes tanggal 7 apa 8 mei di insan cendikia.

Doakan kami ya guys?

Rabu, 20 April 2011

My Second Family, XIXAXLIX

Well, "we are what we love XIXAXLIX".

XIX= Lambang romawi dari 19, yaitu sekolah yang kami tempati ini
AXL= Adalah sebutan untuk kelas Akselerasi
IX= Lambang Romawi dari 9, yang berarti kami adalah angkatan ke 9

Sedih juga sih udah mau ujian nasional, yang berarti ga lama lagi kita semua bakal menempati jenjang yang lebih tinggi, dan ga mungkin kan kita semua ke arah yang sama? pasti kita akan mencari apa yang kita impikan dan itu harus diwujudkan dengan usaha dan doa yang maksimal.
Di kelas akselerasi ini kami diwajibkan belajar di SMP selama 2 tahun yang tiap semesternya kita jalani selama 4 bulan, yang dalam keadaan normal adalah 6 bulan.

Dalam 2 tahun ini kita biasa menjalani kehidupan di sekolah dengan bersama2 dan harus jujur kami sedikit terpuruk dalam hal pergaulan dibanding kelas reguler maupun SBI. Tapi hal itu bukanlah masalah yang berarti untuk kami dan tidak ada rasa penyesalan dalam menghadapi kenyataan tersebut. Kita mengalahkan dunia dengan bersama2, suka dan duka pun kami lalui bersama, itulah mengapa saya sebutkan bahwa XIXAXLIX bisa dibilang adalah keluarga kedua. Hari ini, 20 april 2011 adalah hari terakhir kami belajar di 19 Junior High School Jakarta sebelum akhirnya kami semua menghadapi ujian nasional yang akan dilangsungkan pada 25 april 2011 nanti. Sedih memang, tapi jika takdir memang sudah berbicara, kita tak akan bisa mengelak lagi.

Terima kasih teman,kalian sudah mau bersamaku selama 2 tahun terakhir ini, terima kasih sudah berhasil membuatku menjadi sebahagia ini, aku akan selalu mengingat kalian di dalam hati.Dan tak lupa untuk segenap guru yang sudah mengajarkan kami selama ini, yang sudah sepenuh hati memberikan pengetahuan kepada kami hingga akhirnya kami semua bisa seperti kami.. Terima kasih guruku!! Khususnya untuk Bu Jane yang sudah mau menjadi wali kelas kami..Kami ucapkan ungkapan perasaan yang sedalam"nya. Jika ada kesempatan, kita pasti bisa bertemu lagi. Semoga tahun ini SMPN 19 dapat meraih predikat sebagai SMP terbaik se-Jakarta.  Aminnnnn


Foto ini diambil saat kami istirahat dan pada keadaan kelas 9

Dan foto ini diperuntukkan untuk BTS (Buku Tahunan Siswa)

 Dan masih banyak lagi foto kami yang tidak bisa saya post satu persatu

Sekian post dari saya, Akhirul Kalam wabillahi taufik wal hidayah, wasalamu alaikum warah matullahi wabarakatuh...

Minggu, 10 April 2011


A prisoner's assigned level is usually determined by the bountyvalue on his or her head. Although with exceptions, such asCrocodile whose bounty was removed a long time ago and Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, when the Government acknowledges their strength is obviously superior to their bounties.
Along with various cells to keep inmates, each level possesses a unique form of torture. Because of these unspeakable acts being performed, each level is given the title of hell. With each descending level, the tortures worsens.

Level 1: Crimson Hell

Crimson Hell.
ThenewjerichoAdded by Thenewjericho

Crimson Hell (紅蓮地獄 Guren Jigoku?) is the first level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept. While the level relatively is used for less wanted criminals, it contains a large forest of red trees. The leaves of the trees, known as Kenju (剣樹 bladed tree?), are as sharp as blades, while the grass on the floor, the Haribarisō (針々草 needle grass?), is as spiky as needles. Here, prisoners are forced to run through the forest while being chased by poisonous spiders and guards to experience all the pain from being cut from all directions. As consequence of prisoners being forced through this forest, it is soaked in blood. Deep within the forest is a hole that leads to Level 2. For those who do not wish to live through the pain of being cut any longer, they were given the option of jumping down the hole to Level 2, which contains an even more terrifying hell that nobody is willing to risk. The security here seems to be somewhat lax, as a prisoner has managed to sneak a Black Den Den Mushi into his cell, eavesdropping on what is happening around the fortress.[6]
Buggy was kept here prior to his escape due to the guards not knowing he was a Devil Fruit user, much less one whose power rendered him completely impervious to this type of torture.

Level 2: Wild Beast Hell

The Basilisk of the Wild Beast Hell.
Buh6173Added by Buh6173

Wild Beast Hell (猛獣地獄 Mōjū Jigoku?) is the second level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept. Buggy commented that every prisoner from level 2 that escaped with him holds a bounty higher than his own (Bsymbol.gif15,000,000).[7] It contains various wild beasts of sorts. The beasts kept here include Puzzle Scorpions and Manticores. Puzzle Scorpions are large poisonous insects that can join together to become giant centipedes. Manticores are man-eating human faced lions that will devour everything from their prey including the bones. Their human faces allow them to speak however they can only imitate what they hear like parrots as they don't understand what they're actually speaking. The words they speak are mostly things they heard from the prisoners so some of the things that they say are completely out of place. Among these regular-sized beasts kept here are also two gigantic beasts, the Basilisk and the Sphinx.[8]
The Basilisk is a gigantic snake born from a chicken. It is a feathered mutant that possesses both snake and chicken traits. It is extremely strong that it gave Luffy and Buggy a good chase until it was downed with one blow of Gear Third from Luffy. Though formidable, the Basilisk is not the most powerful beast in the level. It is considered to be the "second-in-command".
The Sphinx is a gigantic human faced feathered lion. Significantly larger than the Basilisk and much more fearsome than the other beasts, it is considered the "boss" of the level and is charged with guarding the stairway that leads out of the level. It is so fearsome that the prisoners kept in the level, and even the other beasts hide from it. Like the Manticores, it is capable of imitated speech. It randomly says the names of types of noodles and apparently understands the concept of giving thanks before meals. It is such a strong beast that it is capable of breaking the floor beneath it if it hits it enough times.
With these various beasts, prisoners kept here are forced to be chased by them through the corridors of the level. Because of the fearsome danger, prisoners often either lose the will to go on, or refuse to escape even when their cells are unlocked.
Mr.  3 was kept here prior to being set free by Luffy and Buggy. After both the Basilisk and the Sphinx were defeated, and along with all the prison doors being unlocked, there was a mass riot in the level caused by Luffy and his companions. The riot however was quelled down by Saldeath and his Blue Gorillas. There was a second riot that occured shortly after the previous riot but has since been quelled after Magellan apparently decimated almost all the prisoners on the level and blocked all the entrances and exits. However, as Magellan became occupied with Luffy's breakout army, the rioters of Level 2 once again became active.

Level 3: Starvation Hell

Luffy, Mr. 3 and Buggy in Starvation Hell.
KishinZoro177Added by KishinZoro177

Starvation Hell (飢餓地獄 Kiga Jigoku?) is the third level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept. Most of the prisoners kept here are pirates who have a bounty of Bsymbol.gif50,000,000 or higher. On this level, prisoners feel the heat rising up from Level 4 and are given precious little food and water to keep them in a near death state. They are reduced to the point where merely looking at them cannot tell that they were anywhere near once frightening criminals. And while the temperature here is nothing compared to the following level below, it is intense enough to cause overwhelming dryness, resulting in Level 3's somewhat desert-like terrain. Mr. 2 Bon Kurei was kept here, despite his bounty being only Bsymbol.gif32,000,000.
In the middle of the level is a large hole going directly to Level 4 down below. This combined with a gigantic fan directly above the hole, serves as the main ventilation system to redirect the smoke produced from below. Level 4 can be reached through this hole, however, to travel down it holds a risk of death or scalding by the fire and heat of the floor below.[9]

Level 4: Blazing Hell

Blazing Hell.
KishinZoro177Added by KishinZoro177

Blazing Hell (焦熱地獄 Shōnetsu Jigoku?Inferno Hell in the Viz Manga) is the fourth level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept. At this level, a pool lies filled with boiling blood heated by a raging fire making it extremely hot. The heat caused by this is so intense that it also heats up the level directly above it. If one tries to jump down to this level from Level 3 using the large hole used for ventilation above but don't land on a safe place, then they will die.
Prisoners from other levels are regularly tortured here. The most prevalent form of torture however is being thrown into the gigantic pot of boiling blood in the middle of the level.[10]
Mr. 1 was kept here, though he was shown to be unfazed by the heat of this level while being placed into hard labor. He also saw Luffy and Magellan's battle while in his cell.
Magellan, the warden of Impel Down, stays here. His office contains a lift, which can take several people to all the levels throughout the fortress, bypassing the stairs. This is also where the kitchen of the prison is located next to Magellan's office. Luffy's battle with Magellan was fought here prior to him being completely poisoned and captured.

Level 5: Freezing Hell

Freezing Hell.
KishinZoro177Added by KishinZoro177

Freezing Hell (極寒地獄 Gokkan Jigoku?Frozen Hell in the Viz Manga) is the fifth level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept. This is the level where criminals with bounties of Bsymbol.gif100,000,000 and over are kept. In stark contrast to the level above it, the entire level here is a giant freezer. The level is so cold that not only do the prisoners kept here either freeze to death or lose pieces of their flesh from severe frostbite, but the food given to them is frozen to the level of being virtually inedible. Due to the extreme cold, Den Den Mushi don't function in this Level, thus cutting off both contact and surveillance, except on the locations localized around the entrances that connects Level 5 to the previous and next levels. Along with the severe cold, the level is inhabited by wolves. These wolves roam around the level like the beasts of Level 2, where they were originally stationed at. However, they proved to be too brutal to be in Level 2 as they also hunted the other beasts as well, including the Basilisk and the Sphinx.
Along with the bitter cold of the level, there seems to be a occurrence of prisoners mysteriously disappearing as well. Prisoners who are incapable of moving by themselves have been disappearing without a trace. Because of this, the Impel Down staff and the prisoners call this phenomenon, the "demoning away". The superstition is that the missing prisoners have been actually pulled away by demons to the Gates of Hell itself. The belief of this superstition has been carefully kept within level 5 so that no inmates from the upper levels were aware about it prior to Bon Kurei (disguised as Hannyabal), Buggy, and Mr. 3 descending down to it where they were informed by the guards. Among these missing prisoners is Emporio Ivankov, the queen of the okama. He was imprisoned here until he mysteriously disappeared from his cell. Since then, he was rumored to be living in an abandoned guard's office deep within a forest situated in the level.
Luffy was transferred into the central tower of this floor after his loss against Magellan, until released by Bon Kurei, hoping to find a cure.

Level 5.5: New Kama Land

Some okama at New Kama Land.
Buh6173Added by Buh6173

Known as the The "Prisoners' Secret Flower Garden", New Kama Land (ニューカマーランド Nyūkamā Rando?) is a hidden sub level of Freezing Hell, and is where all the prisoners who have been supposedly "demoned away" have gone to. The secret area is located inside a rock between Levels 5 and 6. It was carved out long ago by a prisoner with a tunneling Devil Fruit power, and is a secret location unknown by the jailers. It is ruled by the "Queen" Emporio Ivankov, and it's called the Okama Paradise where all the Okama and prisoners party and have fun at all times. Indeed, it has been described by Iva as a "paradise within hell", and true enough, not one inmate from this hidden level is inclined at all to escaping the Great Jail as a result. However, since the level itself is hidden, the inhabitants seem to abide by very strict rules that prohibits them from actively interacting with the other levels, at least not without covert movement. Still, they don't seem to discriminate should new arrivals found their way here, as seen by the warm welcome they gave to Bon Kurei.
One of its main rooms is a combination of a sit-down cafe and a discotheque, with the main attraction being a cabaret stage where Emporio Ivankov and his followers perform. Apparently, there are also secret entrances existing from the other levels (save for Level 6) that leads directly into this hidden level which the inhabitants can take advantage of in procuring the necessary supplies. The level also has a Surveillance Den Den Mushi that captures feeds from Impel Down's main surveillance system so the prisoners can see what's going on from all levels in the prison. They also steal newspapers from the prison's garbage cans to stay informed of current events.
Following the mass breakout of Impel Down, the residents of New Kama Land participated in the Whitebeard War and left for Kamabakka Kingdom, leaving Level 5.5 empty.
Its name is a pun on New Comer and Okama, and refers to the Okama who are completely able to change genders thanks to Ivan's powers. In Japan, a "New Half" is a man who undergoes a "sex-change" operation.
The New Kama land is a reference to B-movie Rocky horror picture show,[13] which main character Frank N. Furter is a transvestite similar to Newkama inhabitants. In the final scene of the movie, the heroes Brad and Janett surrender to their transsexual feelings in a similar ways as Ivankov candyboys accept their true inner self.

Level 6: Eternal Hell

Eternal Hell.
Buh6173Added by Buh6173

Eternal Hell (無限地獄 Mugen Jigoku?) is the lowest level of Impel Down. It is where prisoners who are insanely powerful, have caused crimes extremely atrocious, and/or whose mere existences have become a major threat to the World Government itself are kept. Sengoku said even a single Level Six prisoner lurking in a remote country could be an incredible danger to the public. The prisoners on this level have been given either the death penalty or a life sentence. They are basically "erased" from history.
Ace was kept here on death row, awaiting his execution. Because most people dismiss Level 6 as just a rumor (until its actual discovery), Ace was believed to be on Level 5 by other prisoners. Jinbe was also placed on this floor, and was being kept in the same cell as Ace. Though the prisoners on this floor are either jailed for the rest of their lives or until their execution day arrives, Jinbe was only given a temporary sentence for refusing to fight against Whitebeard. Crocodile is also being kept here in a cell next to theirs. Near them are various other legendary pirates who hold deep grudges against Whitebeard, some of which are several imprisoned Giants.
Kept alongside the prisoners is the former Chief Guard Shiliew. Because he constantly massacred prisoners, he was deemed to be a menace even within Impel Down, and became too dangerous to be kept anywhere else in the prison. For abusing his powers, he was sentenced to Level 6, until his death sentence. Interestingly enough, even though Level 6 is considered the worst hell, prisoners kept here are never actually tortured. It simply seems to be a holding cell for life or until an execution and prisoners do not have to endure terrible conditions (burning heat, freezing cold, etc.) unlike the higher floors. However, as seen with Jinbe and Crocodile as they moved through the other levels and are unaffected by those conditions, the inhabitants of this level may simply be too powerful to be affected by torture. However, solitary imprisonment has been proven to be an effective torture in the real world, where even Shiliew stated that the boredom made him wish for death.

Impel Down Characters

Impel Down
Impel Down staff
High Ranking Staff Officers
Magellan Thumbnail.PNGHannybal Portait.pngSaldeath Thumbnail.PNGSadi-chan Thumbnail.PNGShiryuu.jpg
Chief Warden MagellanVice Warden HannyabalChief Guard SaldeathChief Guard Sadi-chanChief Guard Shiliew (former)
Domino Portait.png
Vice Guard Domino
The Four Demon Guards
Minotarus Thumbnail.PNGMinorhinoceros Thumbnail.PNGMinokoala Thumbnail.PNGMinozebra Thumbnail.PNG
Other Beasts and Guards
Blue Gorilla Thumbnail.PNGBasilisk Thumbnail.PNGManticore Thumbnail.PNGPuzzle scorpion Thumbnail.PNGSphinx Thumbnail.PNG
Blue GorillasBasilisk (Level 2)Manticores (Level 2)Puzzle Scorpions (Level 2)Sphinx (Level 2)
Wolf Thumbnail.PNGBazooka unit av.JPGLevel2 rat1.pngImpel Down Praying Mantis Anime Thumbnail.PNGImpel Down Hippo.png
Wolf Unit (Level 5)Bazooka Unit ?????? (Level 2) ?????? (Level 2,Filler) ?????? (Level 2,Filler)
Known Prisoners
Buggy Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNGMr. 3 (Galdino) Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNGMr. 2 Bon Kurei (Bentham) Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNGMr. 1 (Daz Bones) Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNGMonkey D. Luffy Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNG
Buggy (Level 1)Galdino (Level 2)Bentham (Level 3)Daz Bones (Level 4)Monkey D. Luffy(Level 5)
Inazuma Male Thumbnail.PNGEmporio Ivankov Thumbnail.PNGPrisonerportrait.pngPrisonerportrait.pngKinjishi (Maybe) Thumbnail.PNG
Inazuma (Level 5)Emporio Ivankov(Level 5)Roche Tomson(Level 5)George Black(Level 5)Shiki (Level 6)
Portgas D. Ace Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNGJinbei Anime Thumbnail.jpgMr. 0 (Crocodile) Impel Down prisoner thumbnail.PNGShiryuu.jpgCatarina portrait.jpg
Portgas D. Ace(Level 6)Jinbe (Level 6)Crocodile (Level 6)Shiliew (Level 6)Catarina Devon(Level 6)
San Juan Wolf portrait.jpg
Sanjuan Wolf (Level 6)
Basco Shot portrait.jpgVasco Shot (Level 6Avalo Pizarro portrait.jpgAvollo Pizzaro (lLevel 6)