Hello viewers!!! kali ini adalah post terakhir gue di bulan ini *ya iyalah kan udah tanggal 30 juni*. Btw, cerita ini dimulai dengan gue nonton Hell boy sama Pirates of caribbean 2, sampai jam 12 malam. Fortunately, bapak gue ikut nonton juga hehe.. Nah karena gue begadang sampai dini hari, tentunya badan gue capek dong? walaupun capek gue masih tetep kok sholat subuh :3, tapi abis sholat gue langsung balik ke kamar dan gue sukses ngorok dengan pulas, huahmm. Setelah tidur dengan pulas, bangun-bangun udah jam 8 pagi!!! Gue liat kamar orang tua gue, ibu dan bapak gue udah pergi tanpa berpamitan. Yaudah, ngeliat kesempatan ini, gue pun ngambil laptop dan mejeng di depan laptop gue sekalian ngumpulin nyawa. Di laptop gue main dueling network, twitter dan facebook *terus kenapa?* Sedang asyik-asyik nya duel sama orang, gue kebelet pipis... yaudah lah gue tahan dulu, masih seru soalnya. Setelah berakhir dengan kemenangan gue, gue pun menuju kamar mandi, dan bersiap untuk pipis..*setelah ini,untuk anak 15 tahun kebawah dihimbau untuk didampingi orang tua* Eh pas liat di kloset, ada suatu benda kuning mengapung dengan indahnya... Tau kan? itu loh, sisa-sisa dari SH*T DOWN (atau bahasa indo nya BAB).. Setelah gue teliti dan amati... (baca: cium baunya, raba benda kuning itu *ga lah, bercanda kok ) dan diliat dari bentuk dan baunya gue dapet hasil bahwa benda kuning mengapung itu ternyata milik adek gue!! hoho, memang dia itu paling males kalo nge-flush benda kuning mengapung itu. Tanpa basa basi lagi, gue siram aja deh..
Ada yg nyadar ga kalo judulnya mirip sama lirik lagunya katy perry yang last friday night?? yang ini lho (there's a stanger in my bed) hehe inspirasinya memang dari situ kok :) keep smile
Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
Selasa, 28 Juni 2011
Trans studio, Rival of Universal Studios
Trans studio, mungkin ini tidak asing di telinga anda. Yapp trans studio Bandung adalah The Biggest indoor theme park in the world (Taman bermain dalam ruangan terbesar di dunia). Yepp in the world. Sekali lagi ah, in the world. Kita patut berbangga hati dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Trans corp karena sudah menjadi satu-satunya stasiun televisi milik indonesia yang menyediakan layanan bermain untuk semua kalangan, wohooo. Dengan harga Rp.150.000 (atau kurang lebih $18,5) di week days dan Rp 200.000 (atau kurang lebih $25) di weekend, ohiya ada vip juga lho seharga Rp. 400.000 (kurang lebih $50), apa kelebihan vip? kalo kita memakai tiket vip kita dikasih tanda berupa gelang berwarna biru *loh kok itu doang? eits sabar dong. Dengan vip kita tidak perlu melakukan antrian yang begitu panjang. Eh tunggu dulu, udah pada tau kepanjangan vip belum? sini, sini gue kasih tau dulu deh. Jadi vip itu adalaaahhh *jeng jeng* yapp very important person (orang yang sangat penting). Dengan harga masuk yang lumayan terjangkau lah untuk kita menikmati 20 wahana yang menegangkan, yahh walaupun beberapa (ga sampai 5) ada yang baru dibuka agustus dan desember 2011 ini. Sebelumnya Trans studio juga sudah hadir di Makassar dengan outdoor dan Trans studio makassar beritanya tidak seheboh di Bandung, mungkin karena sulit untuk dijangkau. Ada yang nanya gue sendiri udah kesana belum? ohh pastinya dong, yang di bandung lho, waktu itu gue lagi perpisahan dan mampir deh kesana sama anak-anak kelas gue. Karena gue orangnya sederhana, gue beli yg harga Rp. 150.000 *bilang aja ga punya uang zar. Eh jangan salah, temen2 gue juga beli segitu kok, ngapain amat beli vip, hiii rugi mending buat yang lain, ye gak?. Dan pas gue masuk, gue disuguhin dengan pemandangan yang sangat mewah, di pintu masuk ada patung liberty sama menara eiffel, tapi replika lah.. Pertanyaan gue: kenapa ga ada monas? monas ga kalah jauh kok sama mereka berdua. Heran. *confused*. Gue naik apa aja sih? pertama2 kita (anak laki-laki) ingin mencoba DUNIA LAIN (the other world) *isinya hantu-hantu gitu* Dunia Lain terletak di MAGIC CORNER. Ohiya sebelumnya gue mau jelasin, wahana di Trans studio dibagi menjadi 3 bagian: 1) Magic corner: isinya ya yg berbau mistis dan sihir-shir gitu deh. 2) The lost city: Isinya wahana yang berbau petualangan dan terakhir 3) Trans studio central kalo ga salah: isinya giant swing, vertigo dan lain-lain, berbau perkotaan gitu lah.Yaudah kita langsung deh ngantri di DUNIA LAIN... Kita baru sadar kalo ini baru hari kedua Trans studio dibuka, and you must know, kita nunggu tuh wahana sampe 3 jam!!!! (kalo yg vip palingan 10 menit nyampe, yah maksimal 30 menit lah kalo vip nya rame) What the hell is this. Pas kita masuk ternyata disana kita cuma main selama ga lebih dari 4 menit, apa-apaan??? nunggu 3 jam cuma main sebentar itu? minimal 10 menit kek, elahh. Tapi gapapa deh, berarti Trans studio banyak peminatnya dong, sukses deh buat Trans corp.
Abis ke DUNIA LAIN, kita main di sektor the lost city: nama wahananya JELAJAH, jadi tuh kita naik kereta air abis itu melewati gua(cave) yang berisi mata bersinar ga jelas. Terus ke bangkai pesawat terbang lalu kita terjatuh (yang ini ga terlalu tinggi), abis dari bangkai pesawat terbang, dibawah sudah menunggu buaya mainan (tapi mirip banget, sampai kaget gue), kuda nil dengan mulut terbukanya yg lebar dan masyarakat pedalaman yang menyemprotkan angin dari senjata mereka *iseng banget yang ini*, dan tibalah kami pada piramida yang mirip sama piramida suku Aztec, dan yang ini bener-bener tinggi dan kita basah semua, huahmmm..
Setelah wahana JELAJAH, kita semua makan dan shalat bersama. Dan gara-gara DUNIA LAIN kita (anak-anak cowok) shalatnya Jamak qasar, masalah diterima apa ga, itu urusan Allah yang penting kita udah usaha.
Setelah mengisi perut dan mengerjakan tugas kita sebagai muslim yang baik *cie elah kita pergi ke wahana Giant swing, weleh2 gue rada takut sih.. soalnya parah banget pas naik, kaki dengan atap hanya berselisih sekitar 3 meter, dan pas turun... kayak mau jatuhh.. Ya allah gue jerit sepanjang permainan sampai2 mulut gue kering karena ngisep udara mulu *seriously*. Kalo di trans studio kita harus siap-siap ketemu artis, contohnya gue dan temen2 gue, di antrian DUNIA LAIN gue ngeliat si Amel "carla" sama kakaknya baim. Terus di dalam DUNIA LAIN gue ngeliat anaknya Ahmad dhani yang kedua *dia pake vip, woo 400 ribu*. Terus-terus di Giant swing, si Manohara dengan vip pastinya nyerobot yg harusnya giliran rombongan kelas gue, huh! Dan setelah itu yang bikin lama ada Olga, Jessica Iskandar, Kiki farrel sama ga tau gue namanya siapa?
Nih gambar giant swing:
, yahh yang jelas kita dari jam 13.00 wib, pulang ke villa udah jam 22.30 wib. Sempet ke Hoka-hoka bento dulu sih hehe, yahh itulah pengalaman gue bersama Trans studio, apa ceritamu? *kayak iklan indomie*
Senin, 27 Juni 2011
Become a Legend Fever
Wah udah lama nih ga ngepost lagi... Hehehe topik kali ini gue mau ngebicarain tentang game bola, di PES 2010 ada Become a legend, jadi tuh kita mainin ID kita, kita bebas nentuin nama, tinggi, berat badan, penampilan. Kita mainin Id kita dari umur 17 tahun dan akan terus berkembang, semakin tinggi rating yang didapat dalam pertandingan, semakin cepat juga ability kita naik. Ohiya nama id gue: Nizar (iya gue tau ga kreatif kan?), waktu itu ga tau kenapa kok gue kasih nama sesederhana itu ya? harusnya gue kasih nama yg lebih panjang gitu kek, karena nationality gue spain *ga ada indo di PES* kenapa ga gue namain Fernando Nizar, Sergio Nizar atau Carles Nizar. Yaampun pingin gue ganti tapi sayang udah 2 tahun berjalan huhu. Ohiya ngomongin tentang perjalanan karir id gue nyok. Jadi tahun pertama gue main di Premier League tepatnya di Middlebrook dan berhasil membuat Middlebrook juara Premier League dan tiket ke Champion League, karena tahun pertama, gue cuman dapet gelar Overall Best Player, lumayan lah hehe. Terus di tahun kedua gue mengkhianati kontrak gue yg harusnya 5 tahun di Middlebrook dengan hengkang di Ligue 1 *liganya prancis* tepatnya di Paris saint germain, ohiya kita ga bisa milih team lho, harus nunggu ada tawaran dari team lain, nanti pilih deh mau keluar apa ga?. Gue pindah di liga prancis karena gue pikir saingannya ga terlalu berat kayak di liga inggris. Dan ternyata benaarrr dugaan saya saudara-saudara, team gue yang berada di puncak klasemen meninggalkan lawan2 gue, yg juara 2 aja terpaut 16 point huehehe. Sekarang lagi du bulan february dan league berakhir di bulan juni apa juli gue lupa. Dengan rating permainan rata2 8.4 dan gue berada di puncak Top scorer dengan 36 gol dan Assist leader dengan 16 assist mwahahaha *devil laugh*. Ohiya tentang Champion League team gue udah masuk Knockout phase, hohoho. Terus yang bikin gue seneng, waktu itu gue lagi lawan Olimpique Lyon, terus tiba2 ada pernyataan yang menghebohkan sampai2 gunung-gunung memuntahkan laharnya, tsunami terjadi dimana-mana dan manusia berterbangan dimana-mana. Akhir dari dunia fana. *Ga deng gue lebay hehe
Jadi tuh, manager negara gue, Spanyol. Dengan tegas mengatakan kalo gue main bagus(pas lawan Lyon) gue bakal dipanggil untuk bermain di tim inti spanyol, dan pertandingan dimulai gue berhasil mencetak Hattrick dan 1 assist dengan rating gue 9.0 hohoho sukses deh dipanggil buat main tim inti Spanyol.
Dan Become a legend fever (demam menjadi legenda) ini ga hanya melanda gue, tapi temen2 sekelas gue ternyata pada main itu juga haha, Geral dengan id: Steven Gerrard yang udah bermain 3 tahun, dia lagi membela tim everton, Bagus dengan id yang ga banget: Ganteng, Ganteng2, Gantung, Van Hommo dan terakhir Genteng, Selain Van Homo dan Genteng, dia udah apus id lainnya haha ga sukses nih yee? Terus ada eki, pemainnya malah udah pensiun, wihh udah main dari kapan coy? dan teman2 gue lainnya.
Yups, cukup sampai sini cerita gue. Have a nice dream and sleep tight! <3. *lho?
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
What a pity you FERNANDO TORRES
You know Fernando Torres? If not, i will explain you who Torres is? Starting from the simple things, Torres is a footballer who now plays for Chelsea squad. He resigned from Liverpool, one of the rivals Chelsea. Ohh and exactly, he is a MAN!!!!
This is one of the photos of torres:
He is handsome, isn't he? Ohh god, STOP i'm not GAY.
Because the departure from Liverpool, Torres became hated by Liverpool fans, what a pity you Torres!!.
This is a slur aimed at torres (source: google of course), check it out beibeh:
Torres replied:
and after moving to Chelsea, Torres to be a bad player. Though he had bought for 50 million pounds, chelsea actually harmed.
Torres was the man who is hated by some citizen of england, but that girl's not:
Finished already, have fun!!
Not Repost
This is one of the photos of torres:
He is handsome, isn't he? Ohh god, STOP i'm not GAY.
Because the departure from Liverpool, Torres became hated by Liverpool fans, what a pity you Torres!!.
This is a slur aimed at torres (source: google of course), check it out beibeh:
" Look lads i'm Fernando, ohh my hamstring"
Torres replied:
and after moving to Chelsea, Torres to be a bad player. Though he had bought for 50 million pounds, chelsea actually harmed.
Torres was the man who is hated by some citizen of england, but that girl's not:
Finished already, have fun!!
Not Repost
Rabu, 15 Juni 2011
Melt quote
Dear brain, sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him.
Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear pillow, sorry for all the tears.
Dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
Dear me, sorry for being head-over-heels in love with him.
Dear brain, sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him.
Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear pillow, sorry for all the tears.
Dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
Dear me, sorry for being head-over-heels in love with him.
Sometimes, loving is like smoking a cigarette.
They won't stop smoking til they reach the filter;
and when they are already done and satisfied,
they'll not just drop you, they'll even step on you!
Sometimes, loving is like smoking a cigarette.
They won't stop smoking til they reach the filter;
and when they are already done and satisfied,
they'll not just drop you, they'll even step on you!
You can't waste time over missing something in the past.
Life changes, people grow up and grow apart, and you accept that.
Yet you still can't stop thinking of how good it used to be;
afraid you'd never experience it again,
afraid you've already lived it and already lost it.
You can't waste time over missing something in the past.
Life changes, people grow up and grow apart, and you accept that.
Yet you still can't stop thinking of how good it used to be;
afraid you'd never experience it again,
afraid you've already lived it and already lost it.
Here's a toast
To the good days, the better friends.
The ones that you just can't live without.
The people that have taught you hot to party.
How to live. How to have a good time just sitting around.
Here are to the people that matter how bad things seems,
are going to be there for you. To lean back on and catch you if you fall.
Here's a toast
To the good days, the better friends.
The ones that you just can't live without.
The people that have taught you hot to party.
How to live. How to have a good time just sitting around.
Here are to the people that matter how bad things seems,
are going to be there for you. To lean back on and catch you if you fall.
Just the thought of you can drive me wild;
oh you make me smile.
Just the thought of you can drive me wild;
oh you make me smile.
It's best we don't even talk at all,
don't call me even if I should cross your mind.
It's hard enough; I don't need to hear your voice on my messages.
Let's just call it quits, it's probably better. So if I'm not returning your calls,
it's cause I'm not coming back, I'm closing the door.
I used to be tripping' over missing you, but I'm not anymore.
It's best we don't even talk at all,
don't call me even if I should cross your mind.
It's hard enough; I don't need to hear your voice on my messages.
Let's just call it quits, it's probably better. So if I'm not returning your calls,
it's cause I'm not coming back, I'm closing the door.
I used to be tripping' over missing you, but I'm not anymore.
You wrapped your arms around me,
pressing your body against mine.
And in that moment of perfection,
I knew we were meant to be.
I never wanted you to let go of me.
You wrapped your arms around me,
pressing your body against mine.
And in that moment of perfection,
I knew we were meant to be.
I never wanted you to let go of me.
Face it girl,
you could've had his.
You lost your chance,
you should've moved faster.
He's sick of waiting,
He's finally moved on.
Sorry girl, your chance is gone.
Face it girl,
you could've had his.
You lost your chance,
you should've moved faster.
He's sick of waiting,
He's finally moved on.
Sorry girl, your chance is gone.
Memory is a way of holding on to things you love,
the things you are, the people you never want to lose.
Memory is a way of holding on to things you love,
the things you are, the people you never want to lose.
And if you lose something, find solution.
Because if you lose hope, you will lose everything.
And if you lose something, find solution.
Because if you lose hope, you will lose everything.
The reason people find it so hard to be happy is
that they always see the past better then it was,
the present worse then it is, and the future
less resolved then it will be.
The reason people find it so hard to be happy is
that they always see the past better then it was,
the present worse then it is, and the future
less resolved then it will be.
This music is the glue of the world
It's what holds it all together.
Without this, life would be meaningless
This music is the glue of the world
It's what holds it all together.
Without this, life would be meaningless
I want to spend all my days with you...
Wrestling over remotes; playing in the mud.
Throwing each other in pools. Fighting over the last piece of cheesecake.
Killing each other over which TV show we're going to watch.
And then not watching it anyways. I want to make you mad
and then kiss you. I want you and me. Forever
I want to spend all my days with you...
Wrestling over remotes; playing in the mud.
Throwing each other in pools. Fighting over the last piece of cheesecake.
Killing each other over which TV show we're going to watch.
And then not watching it anyways. I want to make you mad
and then kiss you. I want you and me. Forever
She wanted something else, something different, something more.
Passion and romance perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms,
or prehaps something as simple as not being second best.
She wanted something else, something different, something more.
Passion and romance perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms,
or prehaps something as simple as not being second best.
Don't stop dreaming.
There is no wrong in wanting something more.
Don't stop dreaming.
There is no wrong in wanting something more.
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